Sunday, June 23, 2013

12-bar study - dominant 7th arpeggios

Learning patterns is as dull as ditch water.  It turns off students who just want to play music. 

Here's a 12-bar study that takes you through the dominant 7th E-shape, A-shape and D-shape arpeggios.  It uses the most easily-recognisable musical progression in popular guitar which means its easy to hear when you need to change pattern.  It also reinforces the fact that when you are using arpeggios for melody or solo lines, you need to change with the chords.

Here's how to use it.

1. Spend 15 minutes learning patterns for E-shape, A-shape and D-shape dominant 7th arpeggios. ( has a great page for this).  5 minutes on each.

2. Play a basic 12-bar progression in A.  Listen for where the changes happen.  (If you can record this into a looper or get a backing track, even better).

3. Spend 15 minutes learning the 12-bar study.

4. Play. (With backing track or loop).

5. Play it slow to learn it fast.

Get the PDF.   Get the Guitar Pro 6 file.

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